6 Industry Insight Blogs for Professional Chefs inspiration

Jun 24th 2016 - Guest Blog, 

6 Industry Insight Blogs for Professional Chefs inspiration

Many chefs, particularly beginners, look to their fellow chefs for inspiration and insights. Being a chef is very challenging, especially if you're new to the business. Fortunately, over the past few years, some highly talented chefs have set up their own blogs. This enables them to spread their ideas, tell their own stories, share advice and teach future generations of chefs. And apart from being helpful to others, they can also make a good name for themselves as blogging is becoming an increasingly popular way to build one's reputation. Some chefs are particularly talented and helpful in terms of providing information and inspiration. We have picked just some for you from an extensive list.

Ideas in Food combines the blogging powers of a chef couple, Alex Talbot and his wife Aki Kamozawa. Alongside a book and a culinary consulting business with the same name, they have been blogging actively since 2004. Their posts are useful and entertaining and focus on out-of-the-box ideas and experiments in the kitchen. They specialize in sharing their findings and techniques with chefs, cooks and restaurants and emphasize developing an understanding of ingredients and cooking techniques. Amy Glaze’s Pommes d’Amour began more than seven years ago as a way for Amy to keep in touch with her cooking students and to detail her own experiences in some of the world’s top restaurants in San Francisco, New York and Paris. The different categories in the blog not only offer delicious recipes but they also include 'chef stories' and the even more personal thoughts of Amy on how her mindset has developed and how her food has changed because of it.

amy glaze
David Lebovitz has been working in restaurants for more than 26 years, ever since he was 16. In 1999, alongside the release of his first book, he launched his own website. In his blog he regularly shares interesting stories and recipes. He describes his own concept of food: "I don’t believe that baking (or cooking) should be out of reach to people and I strive to share recipes that are do-able for a majority of cooks and home bakers." Kalyn's Kitchen is a home-cooking blog which combines Kalyn's love for delicious food with her commitment to healthy, lower-glycemic eating. These issues are Kalyn's main focus in her cooking, though her blog is regularly visited by many people who are simply interested in her great-tasting recipes. In addition to recipes, Kalyn sometimes shares cooking tips and thoughts on vegetable gardening. Kalyn posts regularly and has a very professional approach.

Dorie Greenspan's blog is also one of those worth mentioning. Dorie has written 10 cookbooks over the past 20 years and has wonnumerous awards. She is also co-author of a number of other books, including "Baking with Julia" by Julia Child. Dori posts on a regular basis and this includes recipes from the U.S. as well as France (her other home). In her blog, which makes for a compelling read, she also shares her thoughts on the secret ingredients that make for a great dish. Béatrice Peltre is the person behind La Tartine Gourmande. She published her first cookbook in 2012, she is a regular contributor to the Boston Globe Food Section and her work has appeared in many newspapers and magazines (such as Food and Wine and the Huffington Post) as well as books and international and online publications. Béa is obsessed with making food look beautiful and she is also a photographer. She posts updates on her website regularly and shares recipes and alluring pictures. Below are some of her food photos:

dorie greenspan

These are only a few of the good culinary blogs out there. As more and more people are starting to blog, experiences, ideas and recipes are shared much faster and can even reach people on the other side of the globe. If you're looking for inspiration and insights, the blogs of professional chefs are certainly worth following on a daily basis.