
How to Get a Liquor License

Dec 14th 2018 - J. Vigotsky Blog, 

How to Get a Liquor License

Despite the taxes that accompany it, liquor is extremely profitable. So it’s no wonder why there are so many bars and pubs scattered throughout the world. And although not all restaura … read more
Restaurant Merchandise Ideas

Dec 7th 2018 - J. Vigotsky Restaurant, 

Restaurant Merchandise Ideas

If you’re looking for ways to increase brand awareness,  selling restaurant merchandise is a great option. Although offering custom merchandise likely won’t make a sig … read more
Sushi Grade Fish – What is It?

Nov 30th 2018 - J. Vigotsky Blog, 

Sushi Grade Fish – What is It?

Sushi is a Japanese cuisine that has gained popularity worldwide over the years. Key to this cuisine is the use of fresh, raw fish as a primary ingredient, and finding sushi-grade fish can be a bit of … read more