
Writing a Restaurant Mission Statement

Jun 29th 2018 - J. Vigotsky Blog, 

Writing a Restaurant Mission Statement

A restaurant mission statement sets the tone for your whole foodservice. It gives both staff and customers a better idea of what your restaurant is all about. This means there's no reason to use … read more
Best Podcasts for Restaurant Marketing

Jun 22nd 2018 - J. Vigotsky Blog, 

Best Podcasts for Restaurant Marketing

Operating a restaurant is far more of an art than a science. While first-hand experience in the foodservice industry is irreplaceable when it comes to running a restaurant, there are certainly o … read more
How to Run a Restaurant – Consultants

Jun 22nd 2018 - J. Vigotsky Blog, 

How to Run a Restaurant – Consultants

There is no simple solution when it comes to how to run a restaurant. The truth is it isn't easy. Reading books and articles can help make it easier, but there’s no substitute for good, old fash … read more
How to Answer the Phone Professionally

Jun 6th 2018 - Guest Blog, 

How to Answer the Phone Professionally

Often times, the first impression your restaurant makes on a customer is through a phone call. A patron will call either to confirm your restaurant’s hours, make a dinner reservation, or place a … read more
What is Sous Vide Cooking?

May 4th 2018 - J. Vigotsky Blog, 

What is Sous Vide Cooking?

Great chefs do everything in their power to create delicious meals. Whether it’s using new ingredients, changing cooking temperatures, or exploring alternate cooking methods, there are nearly in … read more