How to Cut Brisket Like a Pro!

Mar 15th 2023 - Team

How to Cut Brisket Like a Pro!

Cutting a brisket is not as hard as you might think. With the right knife and some simple techniques, anyone can create perfect slices of juicy, flavorful brisket. Once you've mastered the basics of cutting brisket, you'll be able to serve up juicy, flavorful slices every time.

How to Cut Brisket

Take it up a notch and learn some tips for cutting brisket like a pro. Here’s the step-by-step guide to cutting brisket:

Step 1: Selecting the Right Cut of Meat

Selecting the right cut of meat is an important step in ensuring a successful barbecue. Whether you're cooking brisket, ribs, or steak, it's essential to choose the best cut for the job. Here are some things you need to look for:

  • When selecting beef brisket, look for a piece that has a thick enough layer of fat on top to protect the meat from drying out during cooking.
  • The more marbling in the meat, the more tender and juicy it will be when cooked. A good rule of thumb is to choose cuts with about 1/4 inch of fat for optimal flavor and texture.
  • Make sure to buy an entire brisket so that you can cook both halves - one can remain whole while you slice and chop up the other half into cubes or strips as desired.
  • Lastly, use a sharp knife with a serrated edge to ensure clean cuts when slicing your brisket into portions before cooking.

Step 2: Trimming Fat and Muscle Fibers

Before cooking, use a sharp brisket knife to trim away any excess fat and muscle fibers that may be present. This will help ensure the meat is evenly cooked throughout the cooking process and additionally, by trimming the fat before cooking you'll get a more concentrated beefy flavor in each bite.

Step 3: Setting aside Fat Layer for Later Use

When it comes to cutting a brisket, there is one step that is often overlooked - setting aside the fat layer for later use. While this may seem unnecessary, it can make all the difference in the final product.

The fat layer helps keep the meat moist and juicy during the cooking process, especially when working with a packer brisket or a larger piece of meat.

  • To properly set aside the fat layer, you'll need a sharp slicing knife with a serrated edge to cut at 90-degree angles. Trim away any excess fat and muscle fibers that may be present before separating the fat layer from the entire brisket.
  • Make sure to leave an inch of fat on top of your brisket so it won't dry out while cooking. Once set aside, you can place the fatty side up on your cutting board while you prepare your chopped brisket for cooking. Following these simple steps will help ensure juicy, tender beef every time!

Step 4: Reaching Optimal Internal Temperature

Reaching an optimal internal temperature is key to achieving a perfectly cooked brisket. The ideal temperature for a brisket is 195°F (90°C). To ensure you don't overcook or undercook your meat, invest in a digital thermometer and insert it into the center of the thickest part of the brisket.

Once your thermometer reads 195°F, remove the brisket from the heat and let it rest for 20 minutes before slicing. This allows for even cooking and helps bring out the beefy flavor. Additionally, if you plan on using the fat layer that was set aside earlier, this is when you can add it back to the brisket - either by wrapping it around or adding slices of fat directly to the top.

Doing so will help maintain moisture and tenderness throughout long cooks. With these tips in mind, you'll be able to achieve perfect results every time!

Step 5: Executing the Cut and Slicing Process

Executing the cut and slicing process is the final step in preparing a perfect brisket. To begin, it's important to have the right equipment: a sharp knife or brisket knife with a serrated edge and a cutting board.

Starting with a packer brisket, use your knife to cut through the entire layer of fat on one side - ensuring that no fat remains on the piece of meat. Next, starting at one end of the brisket flat, slice against the grain at 90-degree angles towards the other end.

This will help ensure tenderness in each slice. Continue this process until you've finished cutting through each piece of meat. Finally, if desired, you can chop the slices into smaller pieces for chopped brisket sandwiches or tacos.

Choosing the Right Knife

Having the right knife is essential to cutting a perfect brisket. A slicing or brisket knife should be chosen for its ability to make precise 90-degree angles across the entire cut. The blade should also be long enough to cover the whole surface of the brisket. Additionally, it's important to sharpen your knife often; dull blades can cause uneven slices and dry out your meat. To ensure optimal results, use a cutting board with a thin layer of fat before each slice.

By investing in a quality slicing knife, you can guarantee that every bite of your brisket will be juicy and full of flavor. With the right tools and techniques, even novice chefs can enjoy delicious results every time!

(See more: 20 Irresistible Beef Brisket Recipes)

Tips for Cutting Brisket

To achieve the perfect brisket here are some tips on cutting brisket:

  • Take time to understand the anatomy of a packer brisket and use the right knife. Start with a sharp slicing or brisket knife and slice against the grain of the muscle fibers. Make sure to cut off a thin layer of fat before each slice.
  • When cutting your brisket, use Aaron Franklin's technique for maximum flavor: make 90-degree angles when slicing across the entire brisket. This will create chopped pieces that retain more juice and flavor in each bite.
  • When working with your knife, be sure to use a cutting board to keep things clean and tidy. If you're having trouble getting even slices, try using a serrated edge or sharpening your slicing knife. A dull blade can cause uneven cuts which lead to dry meat.
  • Be mindful of how long you cook the brisket too - it's important that it reaches at least 165°F (74°C) internally for optimal tenderness and flavor. With these tips in mind, you'll be well on your way to serving up juicy, flavorful brisket every time!

Cutting brisket is not an easy task, but with the right tools and techniques, you can achieve perfect results. A sharp knife or brisket knife, a cutting board, and knowledge of the packer brisket anatomy are essential for making clean cuts that maximize flavor and texture. By following these simple steps, you can create perfectly cut slices or chunks of brisket every time