How to prioritize and budget for everything in your kitchen

Jun 27th 2016 - Guest Blog, 

How to prioritize and budget for everything in your kitchen

Budgeting is important if you want to get the most out your restaurant. Without a budget, you will spend more money than you need to. This mistake could result in not being able to buy everything you need. Even if you can get all the supplies you need, not budgeting can hurt your profits. But with a good budget, your investments will go a lot further.  It is also important to prioritize your purchases. This will help you only buy items you need. Without a clearly defined list of priorities, it is easy to get into the habit of buying equipment on impulse. This must be avoided. This article is going to teach you how to budget and prioritize your kitchen. This process will make your business more profitable. But first, you need to make a list of your expenses and income. You also need to analyze your competitors and look at future trends.

Income and Expense

This section is going to teach you how to budget based on income and expenses. The first thing you need to do is crunch some numbers. Figure out how much your business is bringing in and how much it is spending. You need to consider utility costs and staff wages.  You also need to consider how much profit you are making off each type of food you offer. Make a list of your income and expenses. Even if you already know how much you are spending, looking a list can give you a new perspective.

Competitive Analysis

The next step is to analyze your competitors. Understanding your competitor’s price model is important. If you are charging more than them, you could be losing business. Figuring out how much you should charge will help you decide how much you need to cut or expand your budget. The best way to do this is to head over to your competitor’s restaurant for a meal. How much are they charging? Is their food the same quality as yours? There is a way to have higher prices without losing business to your competitors. You don't have to compete with price if you offer more value than your competitors. There are several ways to do this, but you need to be creative. Look for ways to provide higher quality meals that won't cost much.

Future Trends

It is important to consider future trends when planning your budget. If you don't plan for future trends, you could be headed for disaster. However, properly predicting future trends will help you plan for disasters before they occur.  Take your suppliers into consideration. If they are offering better prices than their competitors, you have to figure out the reason behind it. They may be at risk for going out of business if it is hard for them to keep up with their competition. Maybe they offer lower prices because they are unable to compete with quality. If your supplier goes out of business, you need to know what you are going to do. You may be forced to buy from a more expensive supplier. How will this affect your budget?


Now, it is time to plan your budget. Go through your list of expenses and see if there is anything your kitchen can do without. Alter your price model based on your competitive analysis and predicted future trends. A lot of kitchens waste money in areas they don't know about. For example, some kitchens have more staff on duty during slow times than needed. This can add up over time and hurt your budget. Some kitchens overstock certain items that end up going bad. Now it's time to prioritize. Go through your list of expenses again. This time, copy everything onto a new list. Put the most important things your kitchen needs at the top. Put the least important things at the bottom. Now, figure out if there is anything you can do to reduce your expenses. You also need to see if there are ways to get the items you need at a better price.