Keeping Your Ice Fresh: How do you Clean an Ice Bin?

Jul 17th 2023 - Team Member

Keeping Your Ice Fresh: How do you Clean an Ice Bin?

As professionals in the commercial kitchen industry, we understand that cleanliness and hygiene are at the forefront of your operations. One often-overlooked area, however, is the ice bin. Over time, an ice bin can harbor bacteria, yeast, and molds, affecting the quality of the ice and potentially posing health risks. Therefore, regular cleaning and maintenance of ice bins are essential. In this article, we'll provide a step-by-step guide on how to clean an ice bin.

How Do You Clean an Ice Bin

  • Step 1: Empty the Ice Bin
  • Step 2: Disconnect the Machine
  • Step 3: Remove Removable Parts
  • Step 4: Prepare a Cleaning Solution
  • Step 5: Clean the Exterior
  • Step 6: Clean the Interior
  • Step 7: Clean Removable Parts
  • Step 8: Descale Your Ice Bin
  • Step 9: Rinse Thoroughly
  • Step 10: Sanitize Your Ice Bin
  • Step 11: Dry the Bin
  • Step 12: Reassemble and Restart

Why Cleaning Your Ice Bin is Important

Cleaning an ice bin isn't just about aesthetics; it's a crucial step in maintaining the overall health and hygiene standards of your kitchen. Bacteria and mold can contaminate your ice, altering its taste and potentially leading to health issues. Regular cleaning can prevent such issues, ensuring your customers enjoy fresh, clean ice every time.

Atosa CYR400P

When to Clean Your Ice Bin

Typically, an ice bin should be cleaned every six months. However, this may vary depending on your specific ice machine model, usage levels, and local health regulations. Always refer to the manufacturer's instructions for cleaning intervals. If you notice any change in ice quality or smell, it might be time for a cleanup.

Cleaning Your Ice Bin: A Step-By-Step Guide

Following the proper cleaning process will ensure a sanitary environment for your ice. Let's break it down step by step.

Step 1: Empty the Ice Bin

Start by removing any remaining ice from the bin. If there's frozen ice, allow it to melt before discarding the water.

Step 2: Disconnect the Machine

Safety first. Ensure the ice maker or machine is turned off and unplugged before starting the cleaning process.

Step 3: Remove Removable Parts

Take out any removable parts from the ice bin, including ice scoops or dividers.

Step 4: Prepare a Cleaning Solution

Refer to the manufacturer's recommendation for a suitable cleaning solution. A mild detergent or a vinegar-water solution (1 part vinegar to 3 parts water) can also be used.

Step 5: Clean the Exterior

It's advised to clean the exterior of your ice bin at least once a week. Use a gentle cleanser and a clean, soft cloth for this task.

Step 6: Clean the Interior

This process involves descaling, disinfecting, and sanitizing the bin's interior. However, it's crucial to remember that the bin must be emptied of all ice before initiating the cleaning process.

Using a soft cloth or non-abrasive brush, scrub the interior of the bin. Pay special attention to corners and crevices where grime can accumulate.

Step 7: Clean Removable Parts

Clean the removed parts separately using the same cleaning solution. A toothbrush can help in reaching small areas.

Step 8: Descale Your Ice Bin

Descaling removes mineral deposits or scales from the bin. Use an EPA-approved disinfecting agent for this purpose and make sure to rinse the area thoroughly afterward.

Step 9: Rinse Thoroughly

Rinse the bin and parts with clean water to ensure no residue is left behind.

Step 10: Disinfect and Sanitize Your Ice Bin

Disinfect the food contact surfaces using a bleach solution according to the manufacturer's instructions. Let the solution sit for at least 10 minutes before rinsing and allowing it to air dry.

Use a commercial sanitizing solution or a homemade solution of unscented bleach and water (1 tablespoon of bleach per gallon of water).

Step 11: Dry the Bin

Dry all parts thoroughly with a clean towel or let them air dry. This step prevents bacterial or mold growth.

Step 12: Reassemble and Restart

Once all parts are clean, dry, and sanitized, reassemble the ice bin and restart the ice machine.

When Should You Consider Replacing Your Ice Bin?

Cleaning will not revive an ice bin that has reached the end of its useful life. So, it's crucial to recognize when it's time for a replacement.

Understanding Ice Contamination

Ice can become contaminated through various routes:

  • Incoming water
  • Airborne contaminants
  • Improper handling
  • Dirty ice machine

To prevent this, regular cleaning routines and occasional deep cleaning are necessary.

Hoshizaki B-500SF

Regular Cleaning

Regular cleanings should be conducted every night by the ice machine owner or staff. These cleanings should focus on surfaces exposed to human contact regularly.

Deep Cleaning

Deep cleanings, on the other hand, should be carried out twice a year to ensure cleanliness in the harder-to-reach areas. Due to the intricate nature of these areas, it's recommended that a professional handle deep cleaning.

Ice Bin Components

In order to conduct a thorough cleaning, it's crucial to understand the various components of the ice bin.

The Ice Bin

This is the primary container holding the ice. Its capacity can range from a few gallons to hundreds of pounds.

Ice Bin Door

During a deep clean, the bin door should be descaled, disinfected, and sanitized.


The baffle or deflector helps prevent ice from spilling out of the bin. It's usually made of plastic but can also be composed of stainless steel. It can often be removed for more thorough cleaning.


The drain can become a hotbed for bacteria growth, hence, it's recommended to clean it at least monthly.

Ice Transport Carts

Although not directly attached to the ice bin, these carts should be cleaned in the same manner as the ice bin since they're significant food contact surfaces.

Hinge Assembly and Legs

These areas are typically not food contact zones and thus don't require descaling, disinfection, or sanitation during a deep clean.

Wrapping It Up

Maintaining a clean ice bin can be time-consuming, but it's crucial for the safety and efficiency of your commercial kitchen. If you find this task overwhelming or if you're uncertain about the size of the industrial ice maker and the bin you need for your business, consider seeking the help of our Ice Machine Experts.

Want to learn more? Contact us now! At Culinary Depot, we strive to ensure your commercial kitchen operates at its peak.