Steps To Help You Modernize Your Restaurant Kitchen

Jun 27th 2016 - Guest Blog, 

Steps To Help You Modernize Your Restaurant Kitchen

Upgrading a restaurant kitchen can be a necessary step to take but a costly one. However, it’s an important decision you’ll likely need to make sooner rather than later. Whether you need to modernize your kitchen due to safety issues or you plan to make changes to your menu that require different cooking techniques, choosing the right  kitchen equipment  is an essential step.

Assess Your Needs

You may want to make just a few changes to your menu, or perhaps you’ve decided to completely change your restaurant’s focus to take advantage of changes in dining trends. Buying new equipment without first determining what your requirements are will be an exercise in frustration and unnecessary expense. You’ll want to make sure the equipment you’re purchasing is the right size to handle the demands placed on it. It’s a good idea to look for kitchen equipment that can handle multiple roles in order to save yourself some money.

modern commercial kitchen look

Make Careful Buying Decisions

It almost goes without saying that you’ll have to set a budget before you start buying any kitchen equipment and then you’ll need to stick to that budget. It’s easy to become distracted by the latest gadgets or equipment with shiny bells and whistles. If you choose them instead the equipment you need, you’ll ultimately hurt your bottom line.

It’s also important to make sure that the equipment you’re considering meets your standards. You know what an oven or a dishwasher needs to do in your restaurant kitchen. Ignoring those needs will be costly later on. Finding the balance between the equipment you need and your budget can sometimes be difficult, but it’s a step you’ll need to take.

commercial kitchen modern

Choose New Equipment

Restaurant suppliers  recommend that whenever possible, you buy new equipment. While this equipment costs more up front, you’re likely to find that used equipment breaks down frequently because parts are wearing out quickly. New equipment not only has never been used, but also includes a factory warranty that gives you an extra level of confidence.

There are a number of other reasons new restaurant kitchen equipment is a better choice than used equipment. New equipment is designed to produce more food economically and with  lower energy costs . New equipment is also manufactured to be more environmentally friendly, reducing your utility costs as well as your impact on the environment. New equipment offers automated steps and ergonomically friendly actions, helping you produce more food in a shorter amount of time.

Chefs who run busy and productive kitchens have their favorite pieces of equipment, but most chefs say that a  Rational CombiMaster   oven is the workhorse in their restaurant kitchen space. Chefs also rely heavily on Cryovac machines that vacuum seal foods which can then be cooked at low temperatures for extended periods of time. A Thermomix appliance that takes the place of a number of older appliances is another essential piece of equipment that will help you modernize your restaurant kitchen.

Check The Utility Requirements

Shopping for new restaurant kitchen equipment is exciting, but you need to make sure the exciting new stove, appliance or dishwasher you want to purchase will work in your kitchen. It’s highly recommended that you first check the electrical, water and gas capabilities and hookups in your kitchen. Even if you know what kind of power your kitchen uses, the requirements of the piece of equipment you’re considering may be higher than what is currently available.

The beginning of a new year might be a good time for you to look at your restaurant’s kitchen requirements and determine whether some changes will benefit you. Once you’ve assessed your needs, you’ll be ready to wisely choose the right equipment for your restaurant.