The Art of Smoking: Techniques and Tips for Perfecting Your Commercial Smoked Dishes

May 14th 2024 - Team Member

The Art of Smoking: Techniques and Tips for Perfecting Your Commercial Smoked Dishes

Smoking food is an ancient culinary technique that adds depth and complexity to dishes, creating a unique and memorable dining experience. In commercial kitchens, mastering the art of smoking can set your restaurant apart and keep customers coming back for more. From choosing the right wood to maintaining the perfect temperature, here are some techniques and tips to help you perfect your smoked dishes.

Selecting the Right Smoker

Choosing the perfect smoker becomes simpler once you have determined its placement. For restaurants that produce a lot of dishes, commercial-grade smokers are ideal, offering digital and programmable controls for precise, effortless cooking. Alternatively, traditional smokers require constant attention but provide an authentic smoking experience.

Smoker Oven

  • Features: Programmable digital controls, cook and hold function, wood chip container
  • Benefits: Precise cooking, natural smoky flavor, reduced shrinkage, easy to clean
  • Location: Indoor use
  • Fuel Type: Electricity
  • Best For: Beginners, adding barbecue to menus

FWE LCH-6-6-SK-G2 Low Temp Cook & Hold Smoker Cabinet Oven

Smoker Grill

  • Features: Slide-out tray for charcoal/wood chips, thermometers
  • Benefits: Perfect for low and slow cooking, manual temperature control
  • Location: Outdoor use
  • Fuel Type: Charcoal, wood, liquid propane
  • Best For: Catered events, tailgates, outdoor venues

Smoke Gun

  • Features: Handheld, produces cold smoke
  • Benefits: Infuses delicate foods and drinks with smoky flavor, portable, battery-operated
  • Location: Indoor or outdoor use
  • Best For: Mixologists, chefs, gastronomists

Breville Commercial CSM700PSS0NUC1 The Smoking Gun Pro - Handheld Cold Smoke Infuser

Combination Ovens

  • Features: Multiple cooking methods (convection, steam, combination)
  • Benefits: Versatile (smoke, roast, steam, sous vide, braise, bake, rethermalize, oven fry), space-saving, easy to use and clean
  • Location: Indoor use
  • Fuel Type: Electricity
  • Best For: Urban kitchens, restaurants, bars, cafeterias

Offset Grill

  • Features: Firebox, large barrel, traditional design
  • Benefits: Authentic smoky flavor, easy heat adjustment, large cooking capacity
  • Location: Outdoor use
  • Fuel Type: Charcoal, wood
  • Best For: BBQ joints, catered events, tailgates, outdoor venues

Selecting the Right Wood

The type of wood you use plays a significant role in the flavor of your smoked dishes. Different woods impart different flavors, so it's essential to choose the right wood for the job. Some popular wood choices include:

  • Hickory: Imparts a strong, smoky flavor, perfect for pork and beef.
  • Apple: Provides a sweet, fruity flavor, ideal for poultry and pork.
  • Mesquite: Offers a bold, tangy flavor, best suited for beef and game meats.

Experiment with different wood combinations to find the perfect flavor profile for your dishes.

Preparing Your Smoker

Before you start smoking, ensure your smoker is clean and properly maintained. Clean the grates and remove any ash or debris from previous cooking sessions. Check the temperature gauge and fuel levels to ensure everything is in working order.

Managing Temperature

Temperature control is crucial when smoking food. Too high a temperature can cause the food to cook too quickly, resulting in tough meat and a lack of smoke flavor. Too low a temperature can result in undercooked food. Aim for a consistent temperature of around 225-250°F for optimal results.

Monitoring Smoke Levels

The amount of smoke you use can greatly impact the flavor of your dishes. Too much smoke can overpower the food, while too little smoke may not impart enough flavor. Monitor the smoke levels throughout the cooking process and adjust as needed.

Using a Water Pan

Placing a water pan in your smoker can help regulate the temperature and add moisture to the cooking environment. This can help prevent your food from drying out and ensure a juicy, flavorful end result.

More Pro-Tips!

"Patience is Key!"

Smoking food is a slow process that requires patience. Rushing the cooking process can result in subpar results. Allow your food to cook low and slow, absorbing the flavors of the smoke and developing a rich, complex flavor profile.

Choosing the Right Cuts of Meat

Different cuts of meat require different smoking techniques. For example, tough cuts like pork butt or pork shoulder benefit from long, slow cooking times to break down connective tissues and become tender. Lean cuts like chicken breast cook more quickly and benefit from lower temperatures to retain moisture.

Using the Right Type of Smoker

There are several types of smokers available, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Electric smokers are easy to use and maintain a consistent temperature, while offset smokers require more attention but offer a traditional smoking experience. Vertical smokers are compact and efficient, while pellet grills offer the convenience of a grill with the flavor of a smoker.

Monitoring Internal Temperature

Using a meat thermometer is crucial when smoking meats to ensure they reach a safe internal temperature. Different types of meat have different ideal internal temperatures, so it's essential to know the recommended temperatures for the meats you are smoking.

Cooking with Indirect Heat

Smoking meats is a form of indirect cooking, where the meat cooks slowly over a low, indirect heat source. This allows the meat to absorb the smoke flavor without the risk of burning.

Enhancing Flavor with Wood Chips

In addition to using whole wood chunks, you can also enhance the flavor of your smoked dishes by using wood chips. Wood chips burn quickly and can be used to add bursts of flavor to your dishes.


Mastering the art of smoking takes time and practice, but the results are well worth the effort. By selecting the right wood, preparing your smoker properly, managing temperature and smoke levels, using a water pan, and exercising patience, you can create delicious, perfectly smoked dishes that will keep your customers coming back for more. Experiment with different techniques, cuts of meat, and types of smokers to find what works best for your restaurant, and enjoy the process of creating mouthwatering smoked dishes.