​What Is a Fastnacht? Traditions, Meanings, and more

Jul 12th 2022 - Monica Cunanan

​What Is a Fastnacht? Traditions, Meanings, and more

What Is a Fastnacht? A fastnacht (or fastnachts) is a heavy, yeast raised potato donut that is traditionally prepared on Fat Tuesday before Lent begins. These Pennsylvania Dutch Tradition of eating these types of donuts are part of Easter traditions in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, which include York and Berks Counties in south-central Pennsylvania

What is Fasnacht?

A fastnacht is similar in shape to a traditional doughnut, but tastes a bit less sweet and denser than a doughnut. Recipes vary. Some recipes include mashed potatoes and lard. They can be plain or glazed, or covered with powdered/ Granulated sugar or cinnamon and/or sugar. Traditional Fastnachts are usually made into square or triangular shapes, but they're also serve fresh batches of round-shaped fastnacht at this time of year.

What does the shape represent?

Fastnachts are similar to Polish paczki, which have no hole in their centers and are usually larger than others. Fastnachts shaped like squares are meant to represent the Four Gospels of the Bible, while triangular fastnachts represent the Holy Trinity in Christian Tradition.

Want to make your own? Check this out for the Original Recipe!

What is Fasnacht Day?

Fastnacht Day is on Tuesday, March 1st, 2022. This day is also called Fat Tuesday, Mardi Gras, or Shrove Tuesday, so that's why the delicious, doughy treats are usually called "mardi gras doughnuts." Traditionally, it used to be the last day to eat all the white sugar, butter, and lard before the beginning of Lent. Many cultures worldwide celebrate the day by indulging in rich food and drink. For example, in Iceland, they call it "Busting Day."

Fasnacht Day is the last day before the 40-day season of Lent, which begins on Ash Wednesday. Doughnut shops and bakeries tend to serve these delicious doughnuts for a limited time as a great way to capitalize on the excitement surrounding Mardi Gras.

What is Shrove Tuesday?

Shrove Tuesday is derived from the word "absolve," which means to "repent". In Pennsylvania German culture, attaining forgiveness for their sins by repenting would start before the start of Lent (the 40 days leading up to Easter).

What Does Fastnacht Mean?

Other terms: fasnacht, faschnaut, faschnacht

The term “fastnacht” came from the German words “fast". The shortened form of the verb “fasten” means “to fast,” and “nacht,” which means “night.”

Fastnacht is the eve of the lent fast that many Christian denominations observe during the month of Lent. Traditionally, on Fat Tuesday, households use up all their fats and sugars before Lent begins. It's called Fat Tuesday because it falls on Mardi Gras day.

How do you Pronounce Fastnacht

Germans pronounce fastnacht as fahs-nahkt while Pennsylvania Dutch country would commonly pronounce it as fahs-naht.

How Are Fastnachts Served?

The traditional way of eating a fastnacht is to cut the donut into two, spread each slice with butter, and then top them with maple syrup. Put the two sides back together to create a sweet treat. SInce these Lenten doughnuts don't have holes like most traditional donuts, the syrup remains inside. Fastnacht donuts are usually eaten dipped in powdered sugar or granular sugar.

These Lenten donuts are made from the practice of removing fats and sugars from your house pantry before fasting. Their rich texture makes them perfect for Easter. For Fat Tuesday, consider making fastnachts, a traditional Pennsylvania Dutch recipe.

How fattening are they?

It depends on the recipe. Fat grams can vary from about 7 to 12. The calorie content can go low as 200 calories per serving up to 500.

Are You Ready For Your Next Food Trip?

Make sure to bring our guide and have fun trying out different types of doughy treats. Here at Culinary Depot, we carry all kinds of equipment for your restaurant/ commercial kitchen or home to make delicious fastnacht. Contact us for more information!